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Contributors: Cindy Hughes, Kellie Grant, Rachel James, Jennifer Duarte


But what if I really want tacos for supper?

When starting this project, there were – and continue to be – a number of logistical issues to deal with. What device were we going to use? Was there going to be a stable internet connection available? Where do we store the devices? How do we best share them?

The biggest issue came in changing our thinking about using devices at all at school.  There are few things in recent years more taboo than getting caught with a cell phone. I have read some board’s policies on the matter where even volunteers in a school must turn off their phones the minute they enter the building.
Burying one’s head in the sand on the issue, however, is not the way to deal with this. Reality is that the use of smartphones and personal devices has exploded – it has changed the way society functions at a fundamental level. As educators we not only have a responsibility to our students to teach them how to use a device responsibly, but we would be foolish to ignore the vast amount of information available to us.
That doesn't take away from the sound reasons behind the original ban on cell phones and personal devices – and addressing those provides our first challenge.

It is vital that an environment of trust be established.  It my classroom, texting, social media and telephone calls are still not allowed – including at recess.  I have appealed to parents to avoid sending texts to their children during the school day in order to foster this feeling of trust. By far the majority of text messaging among my students has been done between parent and child - I forgot my gym clothes, I have a headache, I want tacos for dinner. My students have to trust me too - they have to know that if they need to reach their parent, I'll take them to the phone at recess.  If they tell me they aren't well I will respect that and let them go to the office to call home. If they want tacos for dinner - well, that's a time they learn they have to communicate before or school or wait. 

We have a list of rules up that students are expected to follow.  And they know the consequences if they don’t – they don’t want to lose access to the Chromebooks and the other devices they bring in. At first, daily review is vital, but it's important to point out reminders once in awhile too.  They must also sign a contract, specifying when personal devices will be used and under what circumstances.  The bottom line: it's always under my direction and supervision.

Which is not to say it has been perfect.  A colleague walked in my room to discover one seemingly hard-working and studious pair playing a rousing game of Angry Birds rather than working on the science assignment.  Careful monitoring is also an important part.  And realistically – who among us hasn't snuck a glance at a text message received during an endless staff meeting?  Or checked the score of a game?  Teaching students to deal with distractions – and get back on task is valuable indeed.

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Changing the way we learn, one step at a time

I was recently part of an online discussion where a mother of a student in Grade Five wanted to know if other parents had sent personal devices to school with their children.  In the front page of the child’s agenda was the school board’s brand new “Bring Your Own Device Policy”.  It looks good, and it addresses many important points and concerns. You can find the policy here: Peel Board of Education BYOD Policy

Certainly, students need to learn how to use technology.  Many of them already are at home and it only makes sense to tap into the vast network of knowledge and programs available out there.  Expecting students to learn like they did fifty, twenty or even five years ago is unrealistic.  Gone are the days when students needed to trek down to their local public library to find information in dusty old text books.  Now a visit to the library means access to the most up to date information available. Journal articles that used to take weeks to find their way to a student are now available instantly. And students want to be connected online.  You only need to watch a group of teenagers walking down the street, engaged in conversation both with one another and with whomever or whatever is on their device.

But the information is vast and is often potentially misleading.  I recall looking for information on the Holocaust to show to a class and I was nearly a third of the way through the video before I realized it was subtly trying to persuade me that the Holocaust never occurred.  Without my own knowledge and experience on the subject there is no way I would have ever suspected the site was anti-Semitic, and if I had been a student I would easily have accepted the information as the truth.

Stories about bullying and on-line harassment are becoming increasingly common, and tragic stories about suicides stemming from these incidents leave parents and educators concerned and confused.  How do we protect our children if there is never a break from their devices, even at school?

For these reasons, it is vital that educators become more tech savvy and teach their students how to use technology responsibly and ethically. That is where this project comes in. We want to demonstrate that students are able to use their devices to improve student learning in a collaborate setting.  We want to become more comfortable with technology ourselves.  And finally, we want to share our experiences with our colleagues, so that they too may become comfortable and provide the best opportunities for their students to become discerning learners in a 21st century environment. 

As the weeks go by, we will share our experiences here.  Next time, I will write about the ground rules – building an environment of trust with my students so they are clear about the expectations surrounding their devices. 

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