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Contributors: Cindy Hughes, Kellie Grant, Rachel James, Jennifer Duarte


Still here, still changing

It's been awhile since we've posted on this blog.  Our TLLP ended, and although it continue to have a major impact on our practice, the time for blogging hasn't necessarily been there.  We've also found other ways to communicate, such as Twitter and Google Plus.  There many people can communicate at once, in a community setting, rather than taking the time to read several different blogs.

However, blogs still have their place.  The opportunity exists for more nuanced musings.  It is a place to write in more depth about the things we are doing and the changing shifts in our practice.  I'm involved in another TLLP, this one looking at the Intermediate Classroom in the 21st Century.  We continue to change and grow.  Inquiry based learning is a huge component of my classroom. Two years ago, when I started on this new venture of allowing the use of personal devices in the classroom, everything was guided.  I told them where to go and what to do - or I at least gave specific topics.  Now students are guiding their own inquiry, and my role becomes more of a coach, helping them along when they need it, and then watching them go.  What an exciting time to be an educator!  Like the man says "They'll learn much more than I'll ever know."

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